I am a fan of the original Superman movies. I still remember the tagline of the first movie “You will believe a man can fly!” I feel that the original movie started off kind of slow, but watching it today, I love the build up to him fulfilling his destiny. All the movies were great except for part 4 and part 3 was a little annoying. While many people panned Bryan Singer’s take on the classic story, I enjoyed the movie, but felt it did have a few flaws. Now we have Zach Snyder giving us a new version of Superman, and with Christopher Nolan producing this movie, I think this might be the Superman movie that will put our faith back into the man of steel.
Man of Steel Trailer
Victor is one-half of the duo known as The Fandads. On Fandads.com, Victor and Gil Noreiga share the joys of raising their children and exposing them to the things they loved as kids. Their website covers toy reviews, unboxing, gaming, comics, interviews, discussions, and whatever else we can throw in before bedtime for the children.