It’s that time of year again where we let you know about some great gifts to get those special people in your family. Hopefully you will find something in our guide that will be the perfect fit or you will see something that you will want for yourself.
Are you ready to begin? Ok, let’s go!!
Books are always a great gift to give. I mean, who does not like to read a good book? In our household, my daughter and I always read a book or chapter of a book before she goes to bed and I think that is a great way to end the day.
It’s a Book by Lane Smith
With our children getting more and more hooked on electronics this is a fun book to veer them away from that tablet. I recently read this book at a coding workshop, along with other fun books about children and electronics and this one had me laughing out loud at the end. Now I am not going to ruin it for you but definitely read this book first before reading it to your children.
I know this is an older book, but it is a great book to have nonetheless.
The Art of Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Art books are always great books to have because I love seeing how a character came to be from one sketch to the final product. What movie is bigger than Star Wars right now? This is a fantastic book to see the drawings from some of your favorite moments in the movie and a fun way to see behind the scenes.

This year we got to see some great movies on the big screen and watching them at home with the family is always so much fun. Here are two that are in constant rotation in our home.
Along with Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Ant-Man has become one of my favorite movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I really loved the relationship between Scott Lang and his daughter, that was a big plus for me. This movie was a lot of fun and I can’t wait to see Ant-man on the big screen again.
Inside Out
Inside Out was a movie that left me with a weird feeling when it was over. I have watched this movie a lot with my children and my feelings for it keep changing with each viewing. This is a great movie for children to learn about their emotions and it’s told in such a fun way.
One thing that I loved about this movie is the short film Lava. If you don’t find yourself singing that song after watching it, then you have to watch it again a few more times. It’s such a beautful film and so heartwarming.
We have been a fan of for a long time now and can not recommend them enough. (Disclosure: Even though we are affliliates with all views are our own about their products.)
They recently came out with a line of Star Wars ties and bow ties for children and they are awesome.
We are working on a full review of their Star Wars accessories for kids that will be out soon.
In the meantime, check out these Star Wars cufflinks. These are a small example of the many cool items that they have in store. Now through December 31st you can save 15% off your entire purchase with our exclusive code “FANDAD1515”.
Video Games
Star Wars Battlefront

One of the biggest games to come out this year was Star Wars Battlefront, and if you are a fan of the previous versions of the game you might enjoy this title. While the absence of a single player campaign is kind of a letdown, the game still delivers a lot of action.
Minecraft: Story Mode
Minecraft is still pretty huge right now and I know many kids that are
addicted captured by the creativity of the game. Fandad Gil
reviewed this game earlier in the year and thoroughly enjoyed it with his daughters. While I still call this “Virtual LEGOS”, this version of the game is more story and decision based and it’s not just building worlds and sharing them online.

I was kind of glad that my daughter did not get into the Shopkins phenomenon, because I knew that there were a lot of those little figures to collect. On her birthday she received a few sets from her grandparents and IT WAS ON! As much as she wanted to get them all, we did buy her some sets recently at the
Chicago Toy and Game Fair. Recently we bought her one of these Shoppies dolls and I feel that this was the better way to go. These dolls still come with a few Shopkins, but there are only three of these dolls to collect…for now. These dolls will make a great gift for those that want to move to the next phase of Shopkins.
BB-8 Remote Controlled Robot
We have been lucky enough to have two of these BB-8s at Fandads Homebase. I picked one up during a Target run with my family and saw it sitting all by itself in the aisle…that was before they were everywhere. While the second I received from our friends at Hasbro during their #ChooseLightSide campaign.
I know there are a few other BB-8 remote control droids out in the market, but this one is a great deal for its price. What I really liked about this one is the ease of the remote control and that it is not too difficult to use. With BB-8 being a big figure in all the advertising for the movie, this will definitely be a big seller for the Christmas holiday season.
We hope you enjoyed our guide this year and remember clicking on the images will take to our affiliates where you can purchase these items or get more information about them.
Thank you again for all your support and have a great holiday season.