Being a Bad Dad with the Bad Moms! Movie review and Giveaway

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The holiday season can be very stressful for parents. Whether it is getting the right Christmas tree, decorating the house or finding that last minute gift, parents are always trying to be the superhero for the holidays. Last year, we saw three moms who grew tired of being perfect moms and decided to do things their way. For this Christmas season we see the same moms flip the table on the most wonderful time of the year.

Recently, the Fandads were invited to an advance screening of Bad Moms Christmas and to the press junket to interview the cast of the film. It was great to see the movie and talk to the stars about their roles and how much of their own lives were put into the movie.

Just like in the first Bad Moms we see how overboard some mothers go to make Christmas perfect for their families. In the beginning of the movie we see the aftermath of a party gone wrong and Mila Kunis’ character, Amy, is sitting on her stairs talking about what lead to this moment. While most parents would love to have a simple no-frills Christmas with their children, we see the pressure that gets put on them to “beat” what their neighbor or friends are doing.

When Amy gets together with her friends, Kiki, played by Kristen Bell and Carla, played by Kathryn Hahn, they lament about all of the hoops they must jump to make Christmas perfect. Now if that is not a heavy load to bear they also have to deal with their mothers coming to spend Christmas with them. Each of the mom’s moms have different relationships with their daughters, as it is with any family, but the movie tends to push them a little over-the-top. Amy’s mother is super cold and controlling. Kiki’s mother is the complete opposite and is maybe a bit too clingy with her daughter and Carla’s mom is in another world and has an ulterior motive for visiting her daughter.

During the press junket with Susan Sarandon and Cheryl Hines, they spoke about how much their relationships with their mothers was represented on the screen. Cheryl mentioned that her mother would think she was doing her on the screen. She said her mom is similar to Sandy. She’s a little clingy too. One great moment during this section of the interviews was Susan Sarandon giving Cheryl Hines the idea of getting her mother a pair of pajamas with her face on it. When you see the movie, it’ll make sense. 

Motion Picture Artwork © 2017 STX Financing, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

The topic of being the perfect parent came up and Susan has a great answer by saying that many parents schedule too much for their children and don’t let them be. According to her, children should be free, and “if you don’t give a shit, they will grow up to be well rounded kids.”

When talking to the three leading ladies, the conversation went from awkward first meetings to reusing Halloween spider webs for Christmas. That awkward first meeting was between Kathryn Hahn and her co-star Justin Hartley. According to Hahn it was “another day at the office for this mother of two” in regards to her waxing scene with Justin. They both met that morning and went to work. That scene will be as memorable as the orgasm scene in When Harry met Sally, due to the awkward nature of it.

With Halloween just finishing and the Christmas season around the corner, Kristin Bell has a cool parenting hack for all spider web decorations that you have laying around. “I’ll just knit it up and put it next to the Christmas tree and I’m like ‘snowball!'” That is something that I am going to try this year.

When I got a chance to ask my question, I asked the ladies, as parents, what were they looking forward to and what they were not looking forward to. My example was my daughter dating. I am not ready for that stage in her life. Mila Kunis agreed about the dating and Kristen Bell had a great answer “I’m looking forward to them needing me less and not looking forward to them needing me less.”

The movie seems to have a little more heart than the first one and that has to do with the relationships between the moms and their mothers. There are some humorous moments in the film, but it is lacking some of the freshness that the first movie had. It is a fun movie overall and might just give you a new way to collect food for your family during the holidays. Yes, I am talking about the can food donation scene.

Overall, Bad Moms Christmas is a fun movie and will be a fun ladies night out movie to enjoy.

Kid Friendly: NO! This movie is rated R for a reason and is not a movie for your younger children. There is a lot of curse words thrown about in the movie and a waxing scene that might be a little too much to explain to your children. Play it safe and leave the kids at home for this one.

Violence: There is not that many violent scenes in the movie, unless you count the dodgeball game at Sky Zone. The movie is pretty tame in the violence category. 
Fandads Rating: 3.5 out of 5. The first movie was funnier while this one has more heart and is a little light on the laughs.

Giveaway Time!

Friends, the Fandads have teamed up with STX Entertainment to send a Bad Moms Christmas Prize Pack to a few lucky readers. Below is an image of one of the items that will be included. Other items in the prize package are lanyard charge cables for your phones (Apple and Android) and a small combination lock for your wine bottles.

A BAD MOMS CHRISTMAS follows our three under-appreciated and over-burdened women as they rebel against the challenges and expectations of the Super Bowl for moms: Christmas. And if creating a more perfect holiday for their families wasn’t hard enough, they have to do all of that while hosting and entertaining their own mothers.

By the end of the journey, our moms will redefine how to make the holidays special for all and discover a closer relationship with their mothers.