Sonjay Dutt is the self-described “hype man” that makes Satnam Singh and Jay Lethal come together on AEW DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE. He explains how he juggles his many AEW hats including producer, coach, manager, wrestler, superhero and BFF to Jay Lethal; how he made the jump from performing in-ring to supporting behind-the-scenes; what inspired his love of suits and ties; and how he plans to make Satnam Singh the next superstar in pro wrestling! Sonjay also talks about growing up watching wrestling with his dad and what inspired him to pursue pr
o wrestling himself, as well as how he feels about his first-ever match and what he remembers most about wrestling in India. To round it out, Sonjay shares his thoughts on the ROH Supercard of Honor, the recent Forbidden Door PPV and not winning a single prize on “The Price is Right!” He also describes his current pencil count, where he gets his supply and how he perfected the art of keeping the pencil firmly behind his ear.