Here We Go!

Time just flies by.

The baby shower came and went, everyone was very generous, and a good time was had by all. As far as I know anyway. We’ve also been busy at the house getting our baby’s room ready, Melissa’s hospital bag, and other essentials. Shockingly we were planning ahead and pretty much ready for her to arrive. Melissa and I have been very anxious and excited to meet our baby girl. Well…we’re going to meet her even sooner than we expected.

We came in on Thursday for a routine check up. The doctor found that her blood pressure was high so she decided on running some tests. As a precaution, she was going to keep her overnight for observation. The tests went well, but during the 24 hour period her pressure was still up and down. Her doctor decided to keep her one more day before deciding on what to do. It didn’t take that long. Later on in the afternoon, Melissa had a bad headache and the doctor made the decision to induce the next day.

Well, it’s now Saturday morning and the process has begun. Parents and family are on the way and my little girl should be here sometime today. I feel strange even writing this, there’s got to be something more productive I can be doing isn’t there? Well, Melissa’s sleeping, and there honestly isn’t a whole lot else going on. I figure I can kill two birds with one stone, tell everyone what’s going on, and keep myself busy. I’m honestly not that nervous. The most stressful part of the process so far has been dealing with the damn dogs.
Everyone looks like they know what they’re doing. The procedures have been thoroughly explained and both the baby and Melissa are fine. It’s just a waiting game for now.
I’m going to be a daddy.
God help Serafina and Melissa, heh.

7 responses to “Here We Go!”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    Thanks for the update! We have been anxious to hear what's going on. You'll have your baby girl soon! Congrats, and keep Melissa's spirits up as best you can. It's been a long start already, it's going to be hard but you can keep her motivated. Lot's of praise will be needed. Good luck to you guys! Can't wait to see a picture of your new baby girl! (Julie Walter)

  2. Shenel Conde Avatar
    Shenel Conde

    We are sending you and the family lots of love, de la familia Conde

  3. Victor A Avatar

    Hey man, that's great news. Yeah, the ice chips is a big thing, don't let them get low. I was pretty much the same way, calm as hell. Hell I even took pictures of me in my get up while waiting for her to arrive and joking with the anesthesiologists if he had enough for both of us. You'll be a great dad. Think of it as another achievement unlocked.

  4. rigo Avatar

    Hey Papa! I wish both of you the best, hope everything goes well. I feel so happy for you, it bring me back good memories. Love for all of you.


  5. Anonymous Avatar

    OMG yay!!! So happy for you all! 🙂

    Sarah W.

  6. Therese A. Avatar
    Therese A.

    Hi Gil….everything will be fine. Melissa is in good hands & before you know it, you'll be holding your little girl in your arms. It's an amazing time…embrace it & enjoy every second…it happens so fast! I got goose bumps reading your post. I don't know you guys that well, but I know what you're going through. As I told Victor, I can't wait to go through it all again. As for the dog part, we were lucky enough to have my in laws watch ours for a few days. That's funny…Victor & I stressed over that also!

  7. adam Avatar

    Awesome! Good luck! You can get her ice chips. That was pretty much my sole responsibility.