Five Favorite Things & A Giveaway UPDATED

Last month we did a post about the Dad Blogs we like and we promised we would do more posts in the future highlighting some of the things we like.  This month we decided to go with a mixture of things from video games to movies and even CD’s that are great to have around when you’re winding down with the little one.  Read on and let us know what you think of this month’s picks and check out the giveaway we are doing with Rockabye to win one of their great CD’s.

1.  First up is a few video games that we here at Fandads have been waiting for:  Dead Island  & Gears of War 3. If you are into fighting zombies or shooting Locusts both of these games are a lot of fun to play. These games have co-op modes so you can play with your fellow fandads.  I do admit Gears has been taking a lot of my time at night and I have not played Dead Island as much as I want, but both of these games are great and should be picked up immediately. 

2.  Rockabye Baby! I haven’t heard of these CD’s until a few weeks ago when my sister introduced me to them and I have been raving about them to everyone I know.  It seems like I am a little late to the party because a few of my friends already knew about these. (Why are you guys holding out on me?)  Rockabye Baby CD‘s are lullaby renditions of some of our favorite artists: The Beatles, Bob Marley, The Ramones, U2 and coming soon The Police. Check out the blurb to promote the upcoming album that will be released on Oct. 25.  Now when you want to rock out, you can without waking the baby.

Do baby¹s sleepless cries have you sending out an SOS? Looking for a message in a baby bottle? If every breath you take is a plea for a peaceful night’s sleep, Lullaby Renditions of The Police is here to help. One spin of our gentle versions of the band’s classics and your sleepy little angel will be wrapped around your finger.

3.  Star Wars on Blu-Ray.  Ever since Blu-Ray technology came around we all had a list of movies we wanted to see in this format and I think I’m not the only one that had this series at the top of their list. With an amazing transfer and hours upon hours of extras I want to thank the maker for these amazing discs.  Now we can finally see Luke with his friends at Toshi Station and the cut sandstorm scene from Return of the Jedi.  If you are a Star Wars fan, and I think a few of you are, you should pick these up right away and start enjoying the original trilogy all over again.  You can take your time watching the prequels.

4. Football Season. Oh, so glad that you have returned and made Sundays the one day that I can sit in front of the television all day and just watch football.  Who doesn’t like spending the day watching exciting games that come down to the wire and cheering on their favorite teams?  Although I would like my team to go all the way this year, we’ll just take it game by game and see what happens. 

5.  Yo Gabba Gabba Live Show.  We recently attended this show and man, did we have fun!  Last year’s show was a blast, but I think this time we were doing a little more dancing around.  We had great seats and my little girl had a lot of fun seeing her favorite characters dancing around on the stage.  If you are a fan of this show, I highly recommend checking them out if they appear anywhere near you. Parents, be prepared to spend some money, because they have a lot of cool merchandise that you can not find in any stores.

Contest Time:
Contest has BEEN EXTENDED until Friday Oct. 21.
We have been lucky enough to have Rockabye Baby offer to give one of our lucky readers a free CD from their catalog.  “How do I get one of these CD’s?” you ask. Simple.
Visit their website and look through their catalog and post below what CD you would like for one entry.
Next, “Like” their Facebook page and leave a comment on our Facebook page that you liked their page for another entry.
Lastly, if you are on twitter and follow @fandads follow @rockabyebaby too and leave the following tweet: “I entered @fandads and @rockabyebaby contest to win a free CD. Go to to see how you can win too!”
The winner of the contest will win a copy of the new Police album. If you follow the above instructions to enter, that would be a total of three entries. 

Thank you to Rockabye Baby for giving us this opportunity and thank you to our readers for your support.

4 responses to “Five Favorite Things & A Giveaway UPDATED”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

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  2. Anonymous Avatar

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  3. Jeremy Avatar

    I'd go with Nirvana as my choice…

  4. Jeremy Avatar

    I'd go with Nirvana as my choice…