In honor of Fandads working with Milk this month, this weeks shirts are milk themed from our friends over at The shirt “
Cookie Loves Milk” was designed by
Jess Fink and is a great choice for this week, because what goes better with an 8 ounce glass of milk but some delicious chocolate chip cookies or any type of cookie for that matter.
Our second shirt titled “
The Milky Way” was designed by
Budi Satria Kwan and may be the answer to how our galaxy was created or at least an interesting dramatization.
Both of these shirts can be purchased through Threadless by clicking on their respective links. Fandads recently went to a picnic thrown by the Threadless crew and we learned a few things.
1. Threadless headquarters is located right here in Chicago.
2. If I were a creative person, I would love to work here.
3. I learned to make buttons with my little girl.
4. I’m good at throwing darts at balloons.
5. I can’t wait for the next years Threadless Reunion Picnic.