Are You Ready to Play Football?

Being a fan of football, my family and I always look forward to Sundays.  I mean, who doesn’t like watching their favorite team playing on television or if you’re lucky enough, being at the stadium watching the game.  I’ve been watching football since I could remember, but I never really knew the game as well as I thought I did. Even though I played a little football in high school, I couldn’t tell you the difference between a “safety” and a “”cornerback”.  I know one day my little girl will ask me about the game and I might not know how to answer her, but luckily Jon M. Richter, a dad that might have faced the same situation, created a book called “Let’s Play Football” that breaks down the game in a kid friendly manner. Thank you sir!

Fandads was given a free copy for review and given the playdate supplies, all the opinions in this post are our own and yes, we didn’t know what a “safety” did before reading this book.  

Recently the Fandads and members of the Chicago Dads Group got together for a “Let’s Play Football” Playdate.  The playdate was to prepare for the upcoming big game and to learn a little about the game by reading the new book, Let’s Play Football.  Even though the snow kept a number of participants home, the few fathers and kids that did show up had a good time and enjoyed the playdate. So armed with a few snacks, drinks from Honest tea, and games to play, we dads were ready to enjoy our playdate.

Halfway through the playdate we stopped and read the book and took some time trying out the app.  The app is an extension of the book and features the voices of ESPN analyst Ron Jaworski and Merrill Reese from the Philadelphia Eagles.  We took turns seeing who got the highest score on the quiz part of the app and we had prizes for all the kids that took a turn.

The dads, along with myself, really enjoyed the book.  Maybe because the main team featured in the book is the bears gives me a little bias, but this book is great for the casual football fan and the hardcore football fan.  A book like this will make explaining the game of football a whole lot easier and fun too.  I mean, I have a hard time explaining the game to my wife every now and then, so imagine telling a 4 year old the difference between a “punt” and a “kick-off”.

The way the book is written, in a rhyming pattern, and illustrated,  fun, cuddly looking animals, this book will be a big hit for not only football fans, but fans of good children’s books too.  Because of this book I now know the difference between a “full back” and a “running back” and I will enjoy the games a lot better next season.

If you have a football fan in your family and who doesn’t, buy them a copy of this book.  Give it as a gift to your friends kids or maybe just get it because you like the game of football.  Let’s Play Football is a fun and educational book and hopefully it will be the beginning of a new series of books: basketball, hockey and baseball.  I can’t be the only one that doesn’t know what a “shortstop” does.

Thanks for reading.

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