Bad vacation pictures…let us see them! Blended Giveaway and contest.

Ever go on vacation with your family have a fantastic time and can’t wait until you get home to look at all the pictures you took?

Now while you are going through all the pictures you come across one that makes you scratch your head and ask yourself “What was going on here?”

If this has happened to you, we want to hear about it.

My wife and I have not gone on as many vacations as we would have liked to, but the one time we did go away we had a great time and took some fun pictures.  Here is a picture showing how the hotel got my name wrong for the DJ set that I was going to do that night (I’m playing, I wasn’t DJ’ing that night, I was just going to sing my favorite show tunes.)

I know that once we start taking more family vacations we will have plenty of bizarre pictures that will make us laugh or scratch our heads. 
Family vacations are not only a time to take plenty of pictures, but they are also a time to enjoy your time with family.  During these vacations the bonds between family members grow closer and memories are made that will last a lifetime.
In the new Adam Sandler/Drew Barrymore comedy Blended we are introduced to two single parents that form a unique bond on a family vacation at an exotic African vacation resort.  
There are plenty of great and touching moments in this movie that will have you laughing one minute and crying the next. (Yes, my wife and I got teary eyed a few times during the movie.)
One thing that I would like to see is the pictures that might have come out of this vacation.  Being that Adam Sandler is involved, you can bet that there are some bad vacation pictures along the batch.
The Fandads, along with Warner Bros., would like to ask our friends to share with us your bad/worst/bizarre vacation pictures.  We all know that we have a few pictures like this that we are embarrassed to show, but what about if you can win something for this bad picture?
Email us your pictures at with the subject Bad Blended Picture and we will post them on our Facebook page.  The picture with the most likes will win the Blended Prize package pictured below and the runners up will also receive some Blended gear.  Contest will run until June 20, so start looking through those pictures and send them in today!

This is a sponsored post.  Fandads was provided with promotional material to give away to our readers and was not compensated for this post.  All the opinions and views are our own.  

Check out Blended, now playing at a theater new you.  

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