Over the Christmas holiday I received noticed that I won a scholarship to Dad 2.0 Summit in San Francisco in February. Now while I should be super excited about this great opportunity, I sadly am having mixed feelings about the situation. I mean, this is a great opportunity for Fandads, but there is something about it that’s feels selfish to me.
Let’s start at the beginning.
Dad 2.0 Summit is “an open conversation about the commercial power of dads online, and an opportunity to learn the tools and tactics used by influential bloggers to create high-duality content, build personal brands, and develop business ideas.”
So what does this mean? It’s a chance for me to talk to other dad bloggers about what makes their blogs successful and hopefully start collaborating with them. Also, it will be an opportunity to meet companies that want to work with dad bloggers which could lead to partnerships and maybe some exciting opportunities for us.
When I heard of the first Dad 2.0 in 2013, I thought it would be great to attend. It would be great to meet all the dad bloggers that I have met online and just learn from them firsthand. I wasn’t able to attend the summit or any of the previous ones, but told myself that one year I would attend it.
This year, the organizers of the event decided to create a sponsorship to help out dads that want to attend, but financially can not attend. The great thing about the scholarship was that all the money that was donated came from the dad bloggers themselves. This is one way that this group of dad bloggers support each other and another reason why I love being part of this group. The support was so great that enough money was collected to help six fathers win a scholarship to attend Dad 2.0.
The first time the group got together to help one of our own it was to help out Oren Miller, the dad who started the dad bloggers group and we far exceeded the original goal that was set.
So how did I win a scholarship? I had to write a letter stating why I think I should get a scholarship. At first I did not know what to write. I did not want to get too personal in my letter, because I was slightly ashamed of my personal situation. I thought about just writing about the blog and everything that I am hoping to learn from the summit and how I will use that knowledge to improve Fandads, but I felt that did not really tell why I should go.
The day of the deadline, I had still not written my letter. I had until 11pm to write it, but I remember that day we went to run errands and didn’t get home until later in the evening. In the back of my head I kept thinking about what I would write about, but I just kept coming up with nothing. I had about five minutes left to write my letter and I was about to just give up. I mean, how could I possibly write something in that amount of time and send it off before the deadline?
I said to myself, just do it because if you don’t, you’ll always be thinking about what could have happened if you sent it.
So here is my submission letter: (I edited it by correcting the misspellings, remember I typed this out in like ten minutes.)
Why do I want to go to Dad 2.0?
So after sending it out about 10 minutes late and with some misspellings and sentences that didn’t make sense, I sat down and said to myself “Let’s see what happens.” You already know the result as I posted above. I received an email stating that I was chosen and that even though I won a scholarship, I would get the money when I checked in at the summit. Meaning that I still have to front the airline ticket and pay for the hotel room. I figure I can use the scholarship money to cover some of the cost of the room.
Luckily some of the other attendees were looking for roommates so that would cut down the cost of the room, but getting the airfare is the only dilemma that I am facing right now. This is where the being selfish part comes in. I already mentioned in my letter that I feel upset about going to this event and using money that could go to our household on this trip. I wanted to try selling shirts to maybe help out with the cost, but there wasn’t really that much interest shown.
I’m a little bothered that I am in this position. I have the chance to go to an event that could be life changing and could possibly give the website more exposure, but am faced with the fact that it could not happen. I feel selfish about going on this trip, but shouldn’t I at least do one thing for myself every once in a while and when will I get this chance again?
My goal right now is to try to make sure my family is sitting well financially and to go to this event and become a sponge and take in as much as possible.
What will happen between now and February 19? Who knows, but I’m hoping everything will run smooth and that next time I talk about Dad 2.0, I will be talking about the great friendships that I formed there with the other dads and I was glad that I won.
Thanks for reading.