What’s going to happen to Kanan?

I have been a huge Star Wars fan since I was a little kid and seeing these different incarnations on television: The Clone Wars (cartoon version and computer animated version), the Droid series from way back and the current Star Wars Rebels, makes me feel great that the stories continue.

The latter series has been a great show and my daughter and I love watching it together.  She loves all the characters, but her favorites are Sabine and Hera, while my favorites are Chopper and Ezra.  I almost lost it when Ezra built his lightsaber, because it was such great episode.  Did anyone else notice the parallel between his journey and Luke’s in Empire in that episode?

This past Monday the first in a two-part season finale was aired and when they said the planet that they are going to to find Kana, I got chills. (I’m keeping this spoiler free in case you have not been keeping up).

On Monday, March 2 at 8PM central time the second part of this finale is going to air and I can not wait for it.  The series has been building up to this point and there might be a few familiar faces popping up in this episode.

Star Wars Rebels is a great addition to the Star Wars universe and to get you ready for the big event on Monday we have a few activity sheets for the family to keep you busy until the finale Monday night.

Enjoy and May the Force be with you.

Thanks for reading.

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