Watch the Robots in Disguise anywhere you want. #ad

When the Transformers first came out, I was in elementary school.  I loved cartoons and I was amazed by this cartoon that had robots changing into cars, planes and tape-recorders.  Transformers blew my mind and I would always race home to watch it.

Having two children I always try to expose them to the things that I loved when I was little, doesn’t every parent do that?  So little by little I am exposing them to some of my favorite cartoons.

Transformers was one of my favorites and obviously the movies that have been released do not really match up to the awesome episodes that first introduced us to the “Robots in Disguise”.  Although we have seen the first Transformers movie and I was bombarded by a plethora of questions, I decided that I am going to find time to sit down with my daughter and together watch the first season.

With all the ways we can watch television shows now-a-days, I am pretty jazzed, no pun intended, and the Vimeo is one of the ways that we can watch this show.  Instead of me lugging around dvd’s from place to place, we can just sit down on any of our devices and watch it.

I hope after watching this show together, my daughter will love it as much as I did.  Her brother, on the other hand, has a few more years to go before he can watch them, but he is enjoying playing with the toys at the moment.


Are you interested in watching Transformers G1 on Vimeo?  Just click on this link, the Vimeo player above or the Vimeo player on the sidebar and you can start renting and buying episodes starting at $.99 or buy the entire series for $40 and stream it and download it anytime.

Vimeo has some great shows right now that you can rent or buy, from Jem and the Holograms to My Little Pony Rainbow Rocks. You can find something for everybody on their site.

Remember parents, we have to teach our children well. Let’s start off by showing them some great cartoons and making some great memories.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(Disclaimer: Fandads was not paid for this post but will receive a small percentage of any sales of the Transformers G1 Series made through the links on this post. Although we tried to get our own Transformer robot out of this, that technology is not yet available.)