Get ready to be engulfed in Hasbro’s Cinematic Universe

When I was younger, I remember playing at my friend Jose’s house with his Visionaries figures. In our story, his character, Darkstorm, captured all of the staffs from my characters giving him ultimate power. I had to figure out a way to get my staffs back, but if I remember correctly, his brother quit playing because he thought the whole idea was too farfetched.  
Little did we know that the episode we saw the next morning had almost the exact same storyline. It was almost as if my friend predicted the future that day, but who knows if he could have predicted this new storyline that is going to take place on the big screen in the coming years. 

Paramount Pictures is adding to their Hasbro line-up by not only making another G.I. Joe movie, but also bringing to the big screen: Visionaries, ROM, M.A.S.K., and Micronauts. Yes, toys and cartoons that I grew up with are now heading to the movie screen and Paramount Pictures has hired some amazing talent to bring these cartoons to life. 
This past week Paramount revealed it’s “Writer’s Room” to give the fans a look behind the scenes of the men behind the Hasbro Cinematic Universe: 
HOLLYWOOD, CA (April 21, 2016) – Paramount Pictures and Hasbro, Inc. today unveiled its top talent writers room which will have responsibility for developing Hasbro’s cross-property interconnected onscreen universe featuring the brands G.I. Joe, Micronauts, Visionaries, M.A.S.K. (Mobile Armored Strike Kommand) and ROM. This group includes some of the most notable creative talent in Hollywood, including Academy Award Winner Akiva Goldsman (A Beautiful Mind), who will have responsibility for overseeing the writers room on behalf of Hasbro and Paramount as well as serving as Executive Producer for all of the films. Joining Goldsman will be Lindsey Beer (Wizard of Oz, Kingkiller Chronicle), Pulitzer Prize Winner Michael Chabon (The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay), Cheo Coker (Luke Cage, Ray Donovan), Joe Robert Cole (Black Panther, People vs. OJ), Nicole Perlman(Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain Marvel), Jeff Pinkner (Lost, The Dark Tower), Nicole Riegel (Soldier Girls), Geneva Robertson (Atlantis, Tomb Raider) and Brian K Vaughan (Under the Dome, Lost).
The names on this list are amazing and I can not wait to see what they do with these properties. I am really exited about M.A.S.K. being made into a movie because I want to see how their vehicles will change into their alternate forms. M.A.S.K. was one of my favorite shows, but I always found it funny how their main villain was Venom, while G.I. Joe fought Cobra. Happy coincidence…maybe. 

Stay tuned for breaking news as we get it. 

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