The Many Faces of a #RussellDadlete. #sponsored

(Disclaimer: Russell provided the Fandads with one of their Premium Fleece Hoodies in exchange for this post. All thoughts, opinions and household chores are our own.)

In October I wrote about being a #RussellDadlete with Russell Cool Performance underwear. Back in those days, I was in pretty great shape, due to running every day as I trained for the Chicago Marathon. Since running the marathon, my running routine has dwindled down to the point where I hardly run anymore. Now how is a dad going to maintain the title of #Russelldadlete if he is not taking care of himself?  Let us look at what his options are.

Since I am not running as much as I used to and I have started a new job, where I am sitting down for most of the day, I have packed the pounds. Yes, I have gained some heft for the holiday season. Thankfully our friends from Russell sent me one of their latest Premium Performance Hoodies, wrapped up nicely in a present. This hoodie does not only hide the fact that I am not in peak shape anymore, but it also keeps me warm during the cold Chicago nights.

This hoodie is super comfortable and I kind of get lazy wearing it because it’s so cozy, but I can’t let a hoodie bring me down. Once the neighborhood sidewalks look a little better, I will wear this hoodie when I start my running again. I know that it will keep me warm and I like the fact that there is a “hole” in the pocket specifically made for my headphones cord. That way my cord is not flapping around while I run in the cold.

The hoodie came in pretty handy when I had to shovel the snow. Chicago winters can be pretty brutal sometimes, and this year, so far, it is looking to be a very cold and long, snowy winter. I would have loved to share some action shots of myself shoveling the snow, but it was too cold for my photographers to come out and take pictures of me or so they say.

Other than being outside in the subzero weather, what are other things that a Dadlete can do? I can do some of my daily duties in my hoodie. Thanks to the raglan sleeves I have an increased range of motion while I reach for shirts to fold or socks to pair up. Just look at how warm and comfortable I look folding clothes.

When you work in an office building downtown, you want to make sure your shirts and pants look good, so why not iron them. Better yet, why not iron them while wearing your hoodie? Yep, my kitchen at times can get a little chilly, being close to the back porch and all, so I need to stay warm while ironing my clothes for the week.

See, being a dadlete is much more than being physically active outside, it is also about being active inside and doing normal everyday activities. I love the fact that I can be active outside in my hoodie and inside the house with it too. I think that by doing this I am showing my children that there is more than one way to be active and also there are many ways to contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

If you would like to get one of these Russell Premium Fleece Hoodies for the Dadlete in your life, you can pick them up at your local Walmart. There are many great colors and styles to choose from. So click the link and pick one up today and share with us who you are a #RussellDadlete.

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