A Wrinkle in Time Home Release review and Giveaway

Disclaimer: The Fandads were provided with a review copy of A Wrinkle in Time along with copies to giveaway. All thoughts and opinions are our own. 

When I was in elementary school I remember having to do book reports throughout the year. As much as I loved reading, I remember reading the same books over and over and writing about them for my teacher. One of the books that I remember having a hard time reading was A Wrinkle in Time. Yeah, being a science fiction geek you would figure I would have devoured this book, but there was just something about it that made it hard for me to completely finish. When I finally finished the book I was kicking myself for not having done it sooner and when I heard that it was coming out in the theaters, I got excited about it.

Now, I’ll admit I am always worried about books being translated to the big screen. When you read any book you already have an image in your head about how certain characters look or how certain scenes should happen. I would always picture myself or my friends in the books I read and that was my way of making the story mine. Whenever I went to see one of my favorite books at the movies, I would leave my ideas of how the movie should look at home and experience the film with new eyes and an open mind.

As much as I ended up loving the book A Wrinkle in Time, the movie took a few views to grow on me. It was not that the movie was bad, it was just that I felt it tried to do a lot with a short amount of time that it had. As I said, watching it a few times with my daughter made me appreciate the movie and seeing how emotional my daughter got during certain scenes made me realize that this was not a bad movie after all. Seeing the relationship Meg had with her brother kind of mirrored the relationship my children have and I hope this will bind them even closer. My daughter has her days where she can not stand her little brother, but after watching this it seems like her attitude with him has changed.

With any fandom, there will be those that loved the book that will hate the movie and vice versa, but it is a movie that should be taken for what it is: a story about family and what you would do for your family. Not only did I love that message about the movie, but I also loved the strong leading character of Meg. I love watching movies with strong female leads because I want my daughter to see movies that she can relate to and my son to see that not only men can be strong leads and superheroes.

The home release is a great way to re-experience the movie with your family because you get all of the bonus extras that let you dive into the movie. The “Journey Through Time” is the first featurette that I would recommend you to watch so you can see all of the love and effort that was put into making this film. It is great to see how much directors care for the project they are working on and the actors that they are working with.  The disc comes loaded with your usual bonus features, but this one feature I highly recommend.

Special Features

  • Deleted Scenes
  • Blooper Reel
  • Audio Commentary
  • Music Videos by DJ Khaled feat. Demi Lovato & Chloe x Halle
  • A Journey Through Time – Making of the movie
We have been lucky enough to offer our readers a chance of winning their own copy of A Wrinkle in Time thanks to our sponsors. Enter one of the rafflecopters below to win either a Blu-ray version of the film or a digital copy of the film. Please make sure to return after the contests end to see if you won*.

Good luck to all! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Blu-ray winner will not be eligible to win a Digital Copy of the movie. 
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