Is this real life? That question has come up way too often over the past few years and especially these past few months. 2020 is definitely going to be one for the record books and it’s not even April yet. So as I’m sure many of you are doing, we’re staying home. I won’t get into the people that still refuse to comply. Or the ones that still think this is a hoax and/or that we’re overreacting. It’s all too real and we need to get ahead of it. So yes, schools are closed and that means my family is safe at home. Times are tough but I am grateful that we are home and that my wife and I have the opportunity to be home with our children. I know that not everyone is as lucky.
That being said, we wanted to try to keep things as close to normal as possible. One of my daughters brought home a suggested schedule and we tried to keep to it. I have to hand it to my girls, they did a great job of sticking to it. So far so good, granted it was only my first day, but they’ve been home since Friday. All things considered, they’re handling the cabin fever well.
Hard at Work |
I did manage to go out and vote before everyone woke up. It was a good move as no one was there and I was able to get in and out fairly quickly. The rest of my clan woke up and they got to work. Their schedule called for a little fresh air so we took a nice walk around the neighborhood.
Umm…? |
It was a nice day and a few other people had the same idea. We all kept our distance and gave each other friendly nods from afar.
Lunch was next on the schedule and then a little more school work. We definitely don’t want to burn them out so we had some quiet time and then took the afternoon off.
Naps were had and video games were played. We finished off the day with dinner and a couple of movies before bed.
I’m ending my day like it began, everyone else is in bed while I’m here trying to be productive.
I’ll finish up this post with links to resources and tips for those of you that are also at home doing the best you can with your little ones. Take care everyone and I hope we all get through this safely and in good health.