Exploring Creativity at the WNDR Museum

Disclaimer: The Fandads were invited to visit the WNDR Museum in exchange for this review. All thoughts, opinions, and WNDR-ment (see what I did there) are our own.

We have been lucky to get to experience many of the great exhibits that have come to Chicago and recently we got to visit the WNDR Museum. Now if you have not heard of the WNDR Museum I suggest doing a quick search of #WNDRMuseum on Instagram and see all of the amazing photos displayed there. Go on! Go look and we will continue when you get back.

Did you see all of the colorful pictures and the fun videos? Can you picture yourself in these pictures enjoying the exhibits with your friends and family? If the answer is yes, take a trip down to the WNDR Museum and experience it yourself like my family recently did. My children and wife had a fantastic time and made some lasting memories.

As soon as you enter the museum your senses are already attacked by the walls around you. The entryway has “transformable” walls that change as you brush your hands against them. We have seen this type of material before on t-shirts and throw pillows but to have the entire wall covered in it is pretty cool. After temperature checks and some ground rules, you are good to go and experience art.

The 10,000-square-foot museum is filled with interactive artworks by cutting-edge artists, collectives, technologists,
designers, and makers. WNDR disrupts and redefines the traditional museum experience by inviting guests to fully engage with the artworks and multi-sensory installations. In May 2021, WNDR Museum was voted one of the top five immersive art experiences in the country by USA Today’s Reader Poll.

“ANTIBODIES”, 2021 – WNDR Studios

The great thing about all of these exhibits is that they are interactive. You complete the piece by interacting with them and that is what makes this exhibition more than just your standard art exhibit. Be it texting a word to create waves of light or making music with a keypad, you are the artist for that one exhibit. As you walk in you see a huge sign that states “We Are All Artists” and it is true here at WNDR.

“VJYourself”, 2018 – WNDR Studios

“WNDR is redefining the museum experience, and the local and national interest in WNDR proves a thirst for thrilling immersive and interactive technology. My roots in technology and entrepreneurship give me insight into the artistic beauty that can be created with the latest technology, and WNDR is a playground of possibility and a home for disruptive thinking and iconoclastic action,” said Brad Keywell, founder of WNDR. “This is a multi-sensory experience,
reflecting the joy of wonder itself.”

While we can describe all of the wonderful art installations we rather have you see them. There are a few that we did not add to the video because why spoil everything that you can see there.

“No two visits to WNDR Museum are the same. WNDR consistently curates its experience by leaning in to cutting edge technologies to enhance existing installations as well as adding new immersive experiences year-round.”

I completely agree with their statement. I feel that if we go back to the WNDR Museum we will have a different experience than we did before. We would already know what to expect from the installation but will see them in a different way the second time around.

The WNDR Museum is located at 1130 W. Monroe St. and its hours of operation are listed below.
Monday-Friday: 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Sunday: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Tickets for attending can be purchase through this link: https://bit.ly/3iFfngz

If you are planning to attend tell us what exhibit you are excited to experience.

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