Too soon?

Wow it’s been so long since I’ve posted on this thing that I forgot the password, heh. Anyway, sorry for the long absence, having two kids under the age of 17 months can take up a lot of your free time. Modern Warfare 3 and now Star Wars The Old Republic, are consuming what little […]

Too soon? Read More »

Bane Poster Released

Yesterday was a big day for fans of the Batman films.  If you have been following the the alternate reality game, yesterday Operation Early Bird was released.  If you followed the link it showed a map of the United States and depending on your area you could have claimed passed to get into an early

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Happy Thanksgiving from Us!

Happy Thanksgiving from the Fandads.  We are very thankful for the exciting past few months.  We saw our first sponsored giveaway from Rockabye Baby and from the Chicago Toy & Game Fair.  We also want to say thanks to all our friends and family that have supported the site.  We have a couple of interesting

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Video Game Award Nominees.

The nominees have been announced for Spike TV’s Video Game Awards and the two games with the most nominations are Batman: Arkham City and Portal 2.  Both games are going head to head in the Game of the Year category along with The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, and Uncharted 3:

Video Game Award Nominees. Read More »

Time to Play and have Fun!! Updated Again!

Next weekend Navy Pier is hosting the Chicago Toy & Game Fair and Fandads will be there to preview all the upcoming toys and report it back to you.  This will be a great opportunity for us to see what the hot toys will be this holiday season and also talk to the manufacturers/inventors of

Time to Play and have Fun!! Updated Again! Read More »

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