Anyone that knows me knows that I am a huge Star Wars fan and I am a little excited to see these, but I do have my reservations about the new 3D conversions coming out. While there are some cool scenes in Phantom Menace that would be great in 3D, I’m not so sure how the rest of the movie will play out. Needless to say, I will go see this at the theaters when it’s released next year. The one cool thing about the re-release is that now I can bring my little girl with me to see Star Wars at the theaters. Are you excited for the 3D release or going to see this version?
More Star Wars: Episode I %2D The Phantom Menace 3D Videos
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace will release on February 10, 2012.
Click the link above to go to IGN for more information about the 3D releases.