PlayStation Network Back Online. UPDATED

The PlayStation Network is back online and there are a bunch of new downloadable games, demos, add-ons available for you to purchase.  The “Welcome Back” package is not available yet, but will soon be. In the meantime head over to the PlayStation Blog to see the entire list of content available.Now I can finally download

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Fandads do not just play video games all day!

Being athletic is one thing that people don’t associate with being a fandad.  Most times when people think of fanboys/fandads they visualize overweight guys with thick glasses sitting at home playing video games or reading comics all day.  That is not the case.  Most fandads that I know are active and in good shape and

Fandads do not just play video games all day! Read More »

Welcome back Sony! A fandads take on the fiasco.

Ok, the PlayStation Network was down for 24 days. 24 Days! To some that seems like an eternity, for me it was more of an annoyance than anything. The network was taken down due to some “security issues” then promises were made, information was compromised and dates for the network to be up and running

Welcome back Sony! A fandads take on the fiasco. Read More »

TV Show Rant

I know I’ve ranted about this before, but I’m going to do it again, so BACK OFF! Lol. I think I’m going to stick to movies and DVDs from now on. No more watching crap on tv, I’ll stick to whatever I’m currently watching, wait for that to get cancelled and/or end and that’ll be

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