
It’s Wednesday and you know what that means! Comic book day! I’ve been really bad about updating, there are a lot of things I’d like to touch on and ideally there are features I’d like to see updated at least on a weekly basis. One of those being a comic book feature. I know that “The Pull Box” is already taken as I’m sure countless other sites and blogs talk about their “Pull Box”, so at some point I’ll have to come up with something. For the time being, I’ll be happy if I can just get on here every week or so to talk (comic) shop.

Alright, let’s get to it. Right off the bat, I’ve got to recommend Teen Titans Go! It’s appropriate for most ages, I watch it with my two year old, there’s action, and it’s funny. It’s only two episodes in, but I’m liking it so far.

As far as actual comic books, I’m really enjoying Avengers and New Avengers, basically anything by Jonathan Hickman. Check out The Manhattan Projects as well, it’s not for everyone, it’s different, but I look forward to reading it whenever I pick it up. Brian Michael Bendis is another guy you can’t go wrong with. All New X-Men has been excellent and although Ultimate Spider-Man has kind of hit a rut, in my opinion, it’s still worth picking up and it seems to be setting up a good pay off. Now that I mention payoff, if you’re not reading Daredevil End of Days by Bendis and David Mack, stop looking at this screen, right now. You can come back later, find your nearest comic book store and pick it up. You’ll thank me later.

Thunderbolts are a personal favorite of mine, a lot of my favorite characters are on the team, including Deadpool, Punisher, and Venom. If you ask me the ‘Bolts could give any team a run for their money. The latest version of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is also being handled well. It’s a good mix of old and new stories and characters, and the Nickelodoen series is also excellent. They keep the TMNT legacy going while adding new twists and making it their own.

Speaking of Deadpool, there’s an interesting title out by the name of Deadpool Killustrated. Premise – Deadpool traveling through time/universes killing off everyone’s favorite classic literature characters. If that doesn’t pique your interest, I’m not sure what will!

The classics seem to be making a comeback, there’s another book that I’ve just finished reading that you might say could be considered a mash-up of sorts. I’m not usually a fan of mashing up genres or different stories, but Nikola Jajic’s Huck Finn’s Adventures in Underland pulls it off. Full disclosure, I met Nik at C2E2 last week. I am a fan of his twisted online comic, Tooth and Nail, which, if you’re into Mr. Fantastic taking a dump while having dinner with Susan Storm, or tales of Deadpool squaring off with Cable (Comcast, that is) should be on your must read list. Nik was kind enough to provide us with preview copies of his book and it is quite an enjoyable read. I don’t read a lot of all-ages comics, but for those of us that are parents and are looking for a way to introduce our children to some of the classics, this just might be the gateway book you’re looking for.

There’s a touch of H.P. Lovecraft, a lot of Lewis Carrol, and quite a bit of action. Gabriel Peralta, who also draws Tooth and Nail, does a great job with the artwork. Although at times some of the creatures and monsters can border on almost being too creepy for kids, I guess you’ll have to use your discretion on that one. If you’re interested, you can purchase a digital copy of the first issue here.

One last reminder, don’t forget that FREE COMIC BOOK DAY is this Saturday, May 4, 2013. (Hmm…that’s an interesting date.)

Thanks for reading!