10 Days of Fandads is Coming!

It is that time of year again for us here at Fandads to thank our friends for their support with the 3rd annual “10 Days of Fandads”. If you are new to our site and have never participated, check out a picture of last year’s goodies here with our model taunting you.

“How do I participate?” You may be asking yourself, it’s really easy. If you are not a fan of us on Facebook go there now and do it…we’ll wait.  
Ok, you’re back? Good. Everyday we will post a question on our Facebook page at random times. Some days it will be a simple question or we will make you work for your prize (visit different websites for answers or post pictures on our page). Prizes will be limited to 2 prizes per person this year. 
We are still finalizing some of our prizes, but we think you will be happy with what we are giving away this year.  
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