Relive the Adventure at Home with Solo: A Star Wars Story

Disclaimer: The Fandads were provided with a review copy of Solo: A Star Wars Story in exchange for a review. All thoughts, words, and credits lost on Sabacc are our own.

When it was announced that Disney was going to release a Star Wars movie every year, the ideas of movies that would come out felt endless. As fans of the Star Wars movies, we all have ideas of what movies we would like to see or what characters we want explored on the big screen, but with the vast amounts of characters it will be hard to please all of the fans wanting to see their idea of Star Wars on the big screen.

When Rogue One came out it gave fans a great look as to what we can expect from the stand-alone movies that will be released. While it may be one of the better movies to come out from the recent wave of Star Wars movies, it boiled down to a heist movie set in a galaxy, far, far away.

With the recent release of Solo, we get another heist movie about our favorite scoundrel and while it did not get the critical acclaim that Rogue One got, it is still a good movie that needs to be experienced. Here are our five favorite moments from Solo.

The Game of Sabacc

We have heard the stories about how Han won the Millennium Falcon from Lando many times, but in Solo we actually see the game take place and it does not go as well as you think it does.

The Millennium Falcon

Did you ever wonder why the Falcon has the gap in the front or wonder what modifications Han has done to it? We get to see the Falcon as it originally looked from the outside and how Lando had it decorated on the inside.

That one fight scene not shown

Yeah, I know that sounds really vague, but if you have not seen the movie I don’t want to ruin it for you. Let me just say that Qi’ra uses a certain fighting style to take down a foe.

The Kessel Run

All these years I thought the Kessel Run was a race, who knew?

The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship

We get to see the how Han and Chewbacca meet and became friends.  Also, the snowball fight scene is pretty fun to watch.

Not only can you see these scenes but also you can explore a whole lot more on the Blu-ray and DVD. Check out the features that are waiting for you.

DIGITAL AND BLU-RAY BONUS MATERIAL (may vary by retailer):

Solo: The Director & Cast Roundtable – Sit down with director Ron Howard and the stars for an intimate and entertaining discussion of the film’s making.

Team Chewie – See what it takes to bring your favorite Wookiee to life in this lighthearted look behind the scenes.

Kasdan on Kasdan – Iconic Star Wars screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan and son Jonathan share what it was like to write the movie’s script together.

Remaking the Millennium Falcon – Track the transformation of the most famous ship in the galaxy, from Lando’s swank and impeccable pride and joy to Han’s stripped-down hot-rod freighter with “special modifications.”

Escape from Corellia – Get behind the wheel for the making of this high-octane chase through the streets of Corellia.

The Train Heist – Explore the challenges and thrills of creating this action-packed sequence, including its remote location and spectacular effects.

Becoming a Droid: L3-37 – Meet the newest droid—and the talented actor who helps bring her to life.

Scoundrels, Droids, Creatures, and Cards: Welcome to Fort Ypso – Take an in-depth tour of the rough-and-tumble bar where strangers mix and gamblers risk all in the legendary card game, Sabaac.

Into the Maelstrom: The Kessel Run – Join Han and Chewie at the controls of the Millennium Falcon to see how this legendary moment in Star Wars history unfolds.

Deleted Scenes

  • Proxima’s Den
  • Corellian Foot Chase
  • Han Solo: Imperial Cadet
  • The Battle of Mimban: Extended
  • Han Versus Chewie: Extended
  • Snowball Fight!
  • Meet Dryden: Extended
  • Coaxium Double-Cross

The Millenium Falcon: From Page to Park – An exclusive look at the history of the most famous ship in the galaxy, its origin and development, and how it will translate in one of the most anticipated expansions in Disneyland’s history.

Pick up your copy today and share with us your favorite moment in the comments below.