Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Teaser Trailer Reveal

Today at Star Wars Celebration Chicago the Episode IX panel was held and it gave everyone that was waiting in line for hours what they were waiting for: a teaser trailer. Let give you a quick break down of the trailer.

The trailer starts off with Rey in the desert and grabbing Luke’s lightsaber, no longer broken in half, and preparing herself for an oncoming TIE Silencer. As the ship gets closer she starts running in the opposite direction of the ship and then does an incredible flip over the ship with the lightsaber lit and ready for battle.

We next see different clips from the movie:
Poe and Finn on what looks like a desert skiff being shot at by flying(?) Stormtroopers.
Leia and Rey hugging with a tear coming down Rey’s eye.
Kylo Ren running in a forest and taking someone down with the crossbar blade on his lightsaber
Lando piloting the Millennium Falcon with Chewbacca as his co-pilot
BB-8 with his new friend D-O
The band of heros looking over a ridge and staring at the remnants of the Death Star. (Yeah! The DEATHSTAR!)

Then one of the moments that gave everyone chills – hearing the laughter of the Emperor.
After that moment we got the big reveal of the title of the movie: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Check out the trailer below to see for yourself and let us know what was your favorite moment in the comments below. 
I was lucky to experience the trailer reveal in the exhibit hall of Star Wars Celebration and it was such an emotional moment for me. Hearing Luke’s voice and seeing Leia on the screen just made the tears come out from my eyes. The trailer looks amazing and I can not wait to see this movie. While watching the trailer and Episode IX panel I took some pictures of the cast and hopefully before the weekend is up I will be able to take pictures with them too. (Finger’s crossed)

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