GLASS is coming home this week. Are you ready for the Beast? #giveaway

Disclaimer: The Fandads were provided with a copies of GLASS to giveaway, in return for promoting the home release. All thoughts, opinions, and theories are our own. 

In a world where superhero movies have become the norm, we have become used to seeing incredible action sequences on the screen followed by unbelievable feats of strength. We allow ourselves to be whisked away into these fantasy worlds that look like our world, but the only difference is that they have superheroes in it. Glass is not that movie. Glass is the continuation of a story that started 19 years ago and is the perfect opening to a new world of possibilities. 

I was lucky to see Glass at an advance screening and the movie just stuck with me. There was so much to grasp and dissect that I knew we could not do a normal review of the film. To start off, if you have yet to see “Unbreakable” or “Split” do yourself a favor and watch these movies as soon as you can. With the movie being released this week, there will more time for me to break it down and catch all the stuff I might have missed the first time around. Here are some things to look for:

Get up Spider-Man

There is a moment in the movie where we see David Dunn questioning himself. He has been told that he is not a superhero and it is all in his head. Dr. gives a good explanation as to why he may think he is a hero and you can see that this causes some doubt in him. When Mr. Glass and the Beast are going to escape, Mr. Glass tells him what is going to happen and that all he would have to do to stop their plan is to break down the steel door.

This scene to me is reminiscent of the scene when Spider-Man is under the crumbled building. The fact that he keeps trying until he gets it gave me the same chills as the scene in Homecoming.

Roshach’s Notebook (Spoiler territory)

The movie ends on a downer like Empire Strikes Back and The Watchmen, but the similarities to Watchmen does not end there. Glass takes place in a believable world where we live among these superior beings, but are not aware of their power. Whereas in Watchmen, they all wore costumes to show that they were heroes, but they were not superior in power except for Dr. Manhattan. The other characters were just very skilled in fighting and used that to their advantage against the villains they fought.

Now the comparison is that while it looks like the wrong side wins, it is actually the opposite of that happening. When Rorschach is killed by Dr. Manhattan, we all assume that no one is going to know about the secret plot by Ozymandius and the world will be better now. If you have read the Watchmen comics, you know that it doesn’t end there. We are shown Rorschach’s journal showing up at the local newspapers office and the intern starts reading about everything that has taken place.

Glass is a great breakdown of the superhero genre and a movie that will be much appreciated maybe a few years from now. There are many things to look for in the movie and maybe we’ll save that post until after everyone see the movie.

Want to get a copy of GLASS? Enter the rafflecopter below to try to win one of the 5 copies we are giving away.

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