This was written in 2019 but just wanted to repost it due to what is being said about The Book of Boba Fett, petitions to remove Warner Bros. from DC movies, and all the other wackiness that is going on in fandom.
The Fandads are fans of many fandoms (say that 10 times fast) and we know that things don’t always come out how we expect them to be. With all the movies, comics, television shows, and video games we consume there are times where we think to ourselves, “That’s not what I would have done.” but we move on and read/watch/play the next thing.
Lately, it seems that many fans are getting a bit more vocal about their dislikes and are taking their outrage out on the internet. Some fans are going after creators on social media and are even starting petitions to have things done their way. It sounds insane, but this is really happening in our world right now. It’s sad because some of these “fans” verbally attack these creators online to the point where said celebrity end up removing themselves from online sites due to all of the negativity.
If you think this is ridiculous just think about all the uproar in the past weeks about Robert Pattinson playing Batman. People wanting Brie Larson removed from playing Captain Marvel. The disgust for the finale of Game of Thrones and demanding the entire last season be redone. The cry over how Rain Johnson “ruined” Star Wars and the call to remake “The Last Jedi”. There are many more, but I will stop right there.
If fans are willing to take the time to create a petition against something that they hate because it was not what they wanted, then there should be certain rules in every petition.
New rules when starting a petition:
I, the signee, hereby attest that I will help fund the project this petition is based on.
- When the petition reaches the desired amount of signatures that are being requested, 80% of the participants that have signed will be selected randomly to fund the project. They will have to cover the cost of everything. If this can not be completed the petition will become null and void and all that signed will have to publicly apologize for creating the petition.
I, the signee, understand that if I already signed a petition I will need to pay a fee to sign another petition and if chosen help support the funding of the project.
- Participants can only sign one petition per year. If they want to sign another petition they will have to pay a fee of $100 per extra petition. By paying this fee, the participant will not be excused from being chosen to help fund the project if randomly selected within the 80% of people needed to fund the proposed project. Yes, this means you can be chosen to fund more than one project at the same time.
I, the signee, understand that if I am chosen to fund the project, I can not use a fundraising website to pay for said project.
- While I do know that recreating something that was already made will cost money, I must use my own personal money to pay for said project. If I start a fundraiser to attempt to cover my share of the cost, the entire petition will become null and void and whatever money was raised by other signees will be donated to a charity selected by the original creators of the movie/television show/comic/video game that said signees were trying to remake.
I, the signee, know that what I am doing might be deemed ridiculous and childish by others, but I can not attempt to disagree or troll others that disagree with me.
- I will own my behavior about wanting to remake said movie/television show/comic/video game and will not force my opinion on others. Nor will I troll or harass those that do not agree with my decision of spending all of this energy on this project, instead of something more useful for society. If I break this portion of my agreement, the petition will become null and void.
These are just a few stipulations that should be included in future petitions that are asking to remake a movie/television show/comic book/video game just because fans disagree with how it was executed. Maybe having these will make those who sign think twice and wonder if the noise they raise is really worth the time and effort.
Now while we do agree that there are some great uses for petitions like, trying to get a show that was canceled too soon back on the air or trying to make some changes in your local neighborhood. These are the petitions that people should be getting behind instead of remaking a million-dollar series just because you did not like how it ended.
What do you think? Do you think these petitions are getting out of hand and what can be done to stop these petitions from happening? I would love to see your ideas.