
Fandads do not just play video games all day!

Being athletic is one thing that people don’t associate with being a fandad.  Most times when people think of fanboys/fandads they visualize overweight guys with thick glasses sitting at home playing video games or reading comics all day.  That is not the case.  Most fandads that I know are active and in good shape and

Fandads do not just play video games all day! Read More »


Thor was pretty good. He’s never been one of my favorite characters but I am familiar with his mythology and in my opinion they did a great job of telling his story. Loki was good in the movie, as was Odin. Sif, Volstagg and the other warriors were also prominent in the film. (I did

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Thor was pretty good. He’s never been one of my favorite characters but I am familiar with his mythology and in my opinion they did a great job of telling his story. Loki was good in the movie, as was Odin. Sif, Volstagg and the other warriors were also prominent in the film. (I did

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