December 2012

What Will Happen When Dad Bloggers Form a Group on Facebook?

Recently A Blogger and a Father came up with a crazy idea: What if dad bloggers formed a Facebook Dad Blogging page to network, share ideas and support each other?  You would think that something like this might not work.  Something so awesome like this will just implode on itself, but be it that it

What Will Happen When Dad Bloggers Form a Group on Facebook? Read More »

Cool Team-Up and Giveaway

Hey everyone! Are you an Angry Birds fan?  Is you phone getting tired of you playing Angry Birds all day?  Well, if your answer is yes to these two questions then continue reading because we have some cool news for you. Fandads has teamed up with the cool blog Boogies N Boo-Boos to giveaway a

Cool Team-Up and Giveaway Read More »

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