Avengers: Age of Ultron

The Fandads are ready to act #LikeASuperHero with Nestle! #Sponsored

Being a stay-at-home dad I sometimes wish I had a clone helping me out with my daily chores….strike that, I wish I had a multitude of clones available to help me out every day.  From preparing my daughter for school, driving my wife to work and running errands with my son, things would be a […]

The Fandads are ready to act #LikeASuperHero with Nestle! #Sponsored Read More »

A new Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer has been released!

Today the Avengers twitter page had fans go on a mission.  Fans were asked to use the hashtag #AvengersAssemble to unlock the latest trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron. It’s go time, Marvelites: Tweet using #AvengersAssemble to unite & unlock an epic  new #Avengers #AgeOfUltron Trailer! http://t.co/01G5TtzsLF— The Avengers (@Avengers) March 4, 2015 It took

A new Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer has been released! Read More »

Are you joining the Corps? #Funko #Marvel

If you have been following Fandads for a while now, you know that we are fans of subscription boxes.  While we had to trim down on the boxes due to financial reasons, we just got notice of a new box that we think is going to be a great addition to the other boxes out

Are you joining the Corps? #Funko #Marvel Read More »

Avengers: Age of Ultron Teaser Trailer

Courtesy of Marvel Yesterday you could not look anywhere without someone posting the new teaser trailer for Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron.  While in some cases the trailers were low in quality (hazy, low sound, etc.) Marvel decided to post the official teaser trailer to quench the thirst for those who could not wait for

Avengers: Age of Ultron Teaser Trailer Read More »

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