Dad blogs we like

There are so many great father blogs out there that it’s impossible to visit all of them, but we have decided to highlight a few of our favorite ones and share them with our loyal readers.  Now this is not a “best of” or “top five” type list, this is just a few blogs that we like reading and want our readers to know about.  Check these guys out when you can and let them know that The Fandads sent you.

A Blogger & A Father – What I like about Oren’s post is the humor in them.  Now, it is not that in your face humor, but it’s that dry humor that makes me laugh.  When he is not lamenting on not being picked for the sexist father blogger he writes about everyday experiences that will help me prepare for when my little girl gets older.  What’s also great about this blog is that he highlights different dad blogs every now and then.  I have learned about other great blogs by visiting his site.  I even found a few that write about the same things that we do here at Fandads.

Daddy Incidents – A fellow Chicagoan who I bonded with due to our love for a good beer, the 49ers (although he’s still a big fan of their and me not so much) and Star Wars collectibles (which I learned about recently).  Whether he’s talking about closing on his new home or the birth of his second child (congrats again) he always tells it like it is and his writing draws you in.  If you don’t believe me, read about the birth of his second child and the choices he had to make that day.  Also, I love his Five for Friday.  Maybe we need to do something like that.

How To Be A Dad – If you haven’t heard of this site yet you will soon.  They just reached their 45,000th follower on Twitter and they are freaking hilarious.  These guys will have you cracking up from their diagrams to their 7 rules to non-parents.  This is a fun site to go to when you want to escape the stress from the real world and just want to laugh and learn a thing or two.

The DaddyYo Blog – A strong work ethic and love for family is what really draws me to this blog.   This man works some long hours at his job, but still manages to put something up almost everyday. I envy that and I strive to get his work ethic.  What makes DaddyYo a great read is the realness behind his post and his ability to share not only the light side of him being a father but also the dark side of his life.

DadCentric – This is the first dad blog I started reading when we started Fandads and I keep learning a lot from them.  Not only do they talk about parenting, but they throw in so much useful information about everyday life that I try to visit a few times each week.  I loved their post about keeping their daughters away from beauty pageants, because I feel the same way, even though she’s only going to be two this month.  Plus their logo, a beer and baby bottle is just genius.

9 thoughts on “Dad blogs we like”

  1. Hey, thanks! Although, to be fair, I wasn't picked for the sexiest blogger list. The sexist blogger list is still open! And I will need your votes. Unless you're a woman. Because women shouldn't be allowed to vote!

  2. Hey, thanks! Although, to be fair, I wasn't picked for the sexiest blogger list. The sexist blogger list is still open! And I will need your votes. Unless you're a woman. Because women shouldn't be allowed to vote!

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