Dia Del Nino/Day of the Child (Yep, they get a day to themselves too)

Photo by Guillermo Ossa/StockVault April 30th was Dia del Niño.  This is a day when families celebrate their children. It is a national holiday in Mexico and it is starting to grow in popularity across the country. According to the National Museum of Mexican Art (NNMA), they have one of the largest Day of the Child […]

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The Fandads are ready to act #LikeASuperHero with Nestle! #Sponsored

Being a stay-at-home dad I sometimes wish I had a clone helping me out with my daily chores….strike that, I wish I had a multitude of clones available to help me out every day.  From preparing my daughter for school, driving my wife to work and running errands with my son, things would be a

The Fandads are ready to act #LikeASuperHero with Nestle! #Sponsored Read More »

Let the running season begin!

The Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle 8K is considered the beginning of the running season in Chicago and this will be my second year running it.  Now, for me, keeping in running form over the winter is kind of hard, but I try to make sure that I am somewhat ready for this fun race.Being

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My experience at my first Dad 2.0

The main stage for Dad 2.0 Before I begin my recap of my experience at Dad 2.0, I will say that this will not be a play-by-play account.  I will not bore you with the minutiae of every second that I was there. Instead, I will tell you a tale that includes, friendship, magicians, robots

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A new Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer has been released!

Today the Avengers twitter page had fans go on a mission.  Fans were asked to use the hashtag #AvengersAssemble to unlock the latest trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron. It’s go time, Marvelites: Tweet using #AvengersAssemble to unite & unlock an epic  new #Avengers #AgeOfUltron Trailer! http://t.co/01G5TtzsLF— The Avengers (@Avengers) March 4, 2015 It took

A new Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer has been released! Read More »

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